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Julissa Acevedo

CRI SEMINAR SERIES: Introduction to REDCap

By News, REDCap

Tuesday, February 21st 1:00pm-2:30pm CST

Join the Center for Research Informatics Seminar Series for on online training session about REDCap, a self-managed, secure, web-based solution designed to support data collection strategies for research studies. CRI Senior Systems Analyst and REDCap expert Julissa Acevedo will help you build your basic REDCap skill set with helpful introductory topics. This seminar will cover:

  • Project Setup – how to create, edit, customize, and test a project
  • Using Surveys – settings, customizations, and links for surveys
  • Applications & Tools – using applications and tools like reports, exports, data quality, mobile app, and more

No previous experience is required. You are welcome to follow along on your laptop/desktop by signing into REDCap (BSDAD or UCHAD), but it is not required.

This seminar will take place via Zoom. Participation is limited to University of Chicago staff, faculty, and students. Meeting information will be emailed to registrants before the session.

About the speaker: Julissa Acevedo, the CRI’s resident REDCap Administrator since 2012, is the point of contact for all REDCap inquiries at the University of Chicago. Julissa has personally guided many investigators with their study design and she takes pride in providing exceptional technical support. An active member of the REDCap Consortium, she attends REDCapCon annually to collaborate with other REDCap experts to further advance the use of REDCap at the University. Prior to joining the CRI, Julissa developed and supported various applications at Motorola, Bank of America, and the U.S. Census Bureau.

About the series: Since 2012, the Center for Research Informatics has offered free training sessions for the University of Chicago community in informatics research tools and techniques. Topics include REDCap, clinical data, bioinformatics analysis, data visualization, high performance computing, grant preparation, and more. Sign up for our email list on the right side of this page to hear about upcoming seminars.

Questions? Contact Janaya Lee at


REDCap Gathers Results for CRLC’s Research Professional Education Needs Survey


The Clinical Research Leadership Council (CRLC) Education Work group was chartered in December of 2019 with the goal to serve as representative body for providing guidance and feedback on research staff education. Their scope is to support the CRLC in development of best practices for research education for all divisional and UCM staff. The CRLC conducted a Research Professional Education Needs Assessment survey in July 2021. This survey provided valuable insights into how satisfied and knowledgeable staff are with the current clinical research education offerings available, and an important benchmark from which we can improve.

We received a total of 131 unique responses to the survey, with 48 (37%) principal investigators (PIs), 30 (23%) managers of research staff, and 53 (40%) research staff. When asked if the “current level of institutional support meets your present clinical research educational needs?”, The majority of PIs and managers similarly disagreed or strongly disagreed (55% and 57%, respectively) and the majority of staff agreed or strongly agreed (62%). This finding may indicate the different needs of staff for education depending on roles, years of experience working in research, and need for training beyond the required research modules.

The Research Professional Education Needs Assessment survey assessed the training and education needs, awareness of current educational offerings, and preferences for methods of receiving training. PIs, managers, and staff were all similarly very aware of the Good Clinical Practice and CITI training available (required training modules for research staff). Across all roles, respondents stated a need for additional training support: more time (67%), resource list of available professional development options (54%), funds for education and training (48%) and mentoring (40%). To view additional results and data from the survey, click here.

The CRLC Education and Training workgroup actively welcomes new members in community to participate in the monthly meetings and join the CRLC and Research Community slack channels. Join the SLACK channel Research Community.

To participate in future Clinical Research Leadership Council Education and Training Workgroup meetings or slack channel(s), please contact James Lynch at

To learn more about current research training offerings within the Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM), please visit the ITM education website.

To learn more about current research training offerings within the Office of Clinical Research (OCR), please visit the OCR education website.

New REDCap Features

By News, REDCap

REDCap has been successfully upgraded to version LTS 11.1.7. Details of the newest features and improvements can be found here. In addition to many new features and improvements, some highlights include:

  • Field Embedding
  • Project Dashboards
  • Smart Functions
  • Smart Tables
  • Smart Charts
  • DAG Switcher
  • Record Level Locking
  • Project Life Cycles
  • Special Functions
  • Field Bank
  • Edit Multiple Fields
  • Logic Editor
  • Text-to-Speech New Languages

Please contact REDCap Support with any questions.

Zoom Seminar: Electronic Informed Consent (eIC) in Research

By News, REDCap

Date and Time: Wednesday, January 27, 2020 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Description: This session will provide an overview of regulatory guidelines, requirements, and implementation processes for eIC. It will also provide an overview of the REDCap processes and functionality for eIC. This training is recommended for individuals who would like to get familiar with the Electronic Informed Consent (eIC) process.

James Lynch
BSD IRB, Associate Director of Education/Quality Assurance
Julissa Acevedo
BSD CRI, REDCap Administrator/Senior Systems Analyst

Offered by: Office of Clinical Research and Center for Research Informatics

Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

Contact: Margaret Wieczorek

REDCap New Features

By News, REDCap

REDCap has been successfully upgraded to version 9.5.6. Listed below are the newest features. Click here to learn more about these new features and many other improvements.

  • Alerts & Notifications – The Alerts & Notifications feature allows you to construct alerts and send customized email notifications. These notifications may be sent to one or more recipients and can be triggered or scheduled when a form/survey is saved and/or based on conditional logic whenever data is saved or imported.
  • Rich Text Editor – Users may optionally utilize the rich text editor for styling field labels or section headers with many text-formatting options; available for any field on an instrument, survey invitations, and survey confirmation emails.
  • Missing Data Codes – Fields that have a blank/missing value may be marked with a custom ‘Missing Data Code’ to note why the value is blank. These missing codes may be used to aid in data analysis by specifying why a field lacks a value.
  • File Version History for File Upload Fields – This feature allows a new file to be uploaded onto a File Upload field that already has a file uploaded for it. If a file has already been uploaded, the field will have a new link “Upload new version”, and after being clicked, it will allow the user to upload another file without having to delete the existing one.
  • New Action Tag @HIDDEN-PDF – Hides the field only in the downloaded PDF of one or more instruments (including blank PDFs, PDFs with data, and compact PDFs with data).
  • New API Method “Import Repeating Instruments and Events” – Allows users to import a list of the repeated instruments and repeating events for a project as a means of setting which instruments and events should be repeatable.

Please contact REDCap Support with any questions.

REDCap Downtime and Upgrade

By News, REDCap

System: REDCap

Date/Time: Wednesday, February 5th, 2020, 5PM-7PM

Who Is Affected: All UChicago REDCap users, including non-UChicago external collaborators, mobile app users, API users, survey participants

Impact: REDCap will be unavailable during this time in order to upgrade to a new version of the software.

  • Survey emails will be halted until the upgrade is complete.
  • Survey links will be inaccessible and will display a REDCap is offline message when clicked on.
  • Mobile app users are STRONGLY encouraged to sync any data on their devices back to their REDCap project BEFORE the upgrade begins. Although not encouraged, offline data collection may continue in the app during the upgrade, however the online sync process will not be available until the upgrade is complete.

At approximately 7PM (or sooner), another email will be sent confirming the upgrade completion, and details of the newest features and functionality.

Questions? Please email REDCap Support.

Announcing REDCap Office Hours

By News, REDCap

Want to discuss if REDCap is right for your study or project?
Want another set of eyes to look over your project design?
Need technical help with field or form problem?

The CRI would like to announce the implementation of a new service – weekly REDCap office hours at the medical campus. Every Thursday from 1:00-3:00pm, you can visit CRI’s Peck Conference Room (N161A) to meet with our resident REDCap Administrator Julissa Acevedo. No appointment is necessary, but please email your question to Julissa ahead of time. We hope you take advantage of and enjoy this new service.